Tips for the Perfect Hair Bun

A ballet dancer’s appearance is one of the most important attributes aside from the skill, experience and talent. The costume and conditioning of the athlete is important, but equally crucial is the appearance of the hair which is coiled up into a tight bun, enhancing the clean lines of the performance that is being danced.…

Can the Show “Dance Moms” Help Your Business?

The use of emotion and feedback among reality show contestants and participants is one of the questions concerning the reality show “Dance Moms” and the negative feedback that has ensued. It is possible to become over enthused about the skill and talent levels of young dancers and a number of dance moms can take the…

Change a Cheer Loss Into A Win!

Cheerleading is often taken for granted or thought of as an activity not requiring as much time, dedication and skill as a regular sport such as football or basketball. A good cheerleading team will be able to use the times when they are not on top of the game or ahead in points to learn…

Make Your Dancers Shine with the Perfect Music

Song choice is an important part of dance performance. The right song can get the piece flowing and add emotional punch to the movement. Of course, the wrong song can be creatively stifling, keeping dancers from showing off their full potential. When you’re working to choose a song that will make your dancers shine, make…

Ensuring You Rest Up to Avoid Injury from Fatigue

Fatigue: it’s a common problem many dancers will experience during their career. This occurs when the body is no longer able to force muscle into contractions. Sometimes experiencing fatigue is good, such as working out to the point of fatigue, then letting yourself recover and repeating the cycle. But when fatigue becomes a constant, dancers will…

Restoring Balancé with Healthier Snacks

Everyone knows that eating healthier is better and dancers are no exception, especially ballet dancers. A need for snacks that not only provide the vitamins that are essential for stamina and energy, but one that tastes good as well was the inspiration for a new product. This was the beginning of Barre energy bars created…

Never Too Old to Dance!

Dance professionals are usually thought to be regulated to those who start their career at an early age, but that is not necessarily the case. There are a number of professional dancers who have started to take lessons and learn to dance in their teens or later. Learning to dance does require an amount of…