Successful Dance Routines with Cheerleader Finesse

What do successful dancers and cheerleaders have in common? Some of the obvious answers include: energy enthusiasm drive dedication An answer that may not come to mind is the willingness to repeat step after step to master a certain move. Then there’s the ability to change the move slightly to make it more impressive. Finally,…

Discover the Goddess in You

Women love shoes. They love to look at shoes. They love to touch shoes. They love to pick out shoes. They love to shop for shoes. They love to show off shoes. How would anybody expect cheerleaders to be any different then? Indeed, we are not talking about any regular high-heels, boots or flip-flops. We…

Cheers to the Squad: Long Live the Worthy Teammate

It appears that teams are Nature’s way of organizing living organisms for a common purpose. Whether we think of a pack of wolves, a troop of monkeys, a flock of geese or a swarm of bees, we picture a fused body of interconnected individual animals, creating an effective and purpose-driven unit. The same is basically…

How to Handle Your First Dance Competition

If dancing is an activity in which you excel, you likely want to expand your horizons by trying out for a part in an upcoming musical or other presentation. Ease some of the nerves caused by a first-time tryout by being prepared. The best way to be prepared for any dance competition is to ask…

Your Summer Dance Camp Packing List

Whether you are enrolled in a day-long summer dancing program or are heading to an actual, residential dancing camp, you should plan ahead and pay close attention to the provided packing lists. Good shoes: check. Extra athletic gear: check. Durable water bottle: check. Sunscreen: check. Have you forgotten anything? Hopefully, along with the necessary material provisions,…

The Ins and Outs of Cheer Apparel Design

Last time you went shopping for a new piece of cheerleading apparel, you might have asked yourself, “How do these sport and cheer clothing companies come up with all the new styles and designs?” But novelty and perfection is what drives most manufacturing businesses out there—cheerleading apparel included. Cheerleading apparel definitely offers quite a bit…

Cheerleading vs. Curling: And the Winner Is…

It appears that cheerleading remains in the same state as female higher education was 40 or 50 years ago. Back then, when a girl decided to attend college, it was universally assumed that she just wanted to find a suitable husband. Unfortunately, most university athletic coordinators maintain a similar attitude about modern-day cheerleaders. After all,…

Successful Staffing for Dance Studios

We live in a not so kinder, gentler time now and any business that deals with minor children must be protected from lawsuits and possible criminal charges. Whether it’s parent volunteers or actual assistant coaches, certain guidelines must be printed on a contract, reviewed with each person, and signed by both parties. Do not allow:…

What Do Cheerleaders Really Do?

Despite the fact that most cheerleaders are portrayed in a negative light, know that a cheerleader does more than focus on how she looks. Most of these women aren’t defined by their tans or endless plastic surgery. Instead, they eat healthy, work hard and drive themselves to success. These are the women who motivate the…